Kyoshi Kevin Blok has been a professional martial artist for over for 40 years and currently instructs and coordinates Aikido and defense and control classes for 25 schools. He was promoted to 8th Degree Black Belt in Aikido and awarded the teaching title of Kyoshi by the World Kobudo Federation in 2005 and holds instructor rankings in Karate, Iaido and Kung Fu. He is also the author of several books and numerous videos on Aikido, Weaponry, Non-Physical Crisis Intervention and police/security defense and control tactics.
Basic Aikido I - running time 86 min #BLOKD-V01
Basic Aikido II - running time 50 min #BLOKD-V02
Intermediate Aikido I - running time 70 min #BLOKD-V03
Intermediate Aikido II - running time 60 min #BLOKD-V04
Advanced Aikido I - running time 78 min #BLOKD-V05
Vol 1: Basic Aikido I: Kyoshi Kevin Blok introduces the basic principles that make up the art of Aikido. Beginning with an overview of the art and warm-up exercises, Kyoshi readies you for learning the true Aikido way. He also instructs you on basic breakfalls, basic movements, and basic controls and pins from grabs.
Vol 2: Basic Aikido II: Continuing with the beginner level of instruction, Kyoshi Blok introduces basic Aikido throws from grabs. These throws include all directions, hitting elbow, front step-in, side step-in, and reverse hand. Kyoshi Blok will also show you examples of variations for many of these basic throws.
Vol 3: Intermediate Aikido I: Expanding on the basics of Practical Aikido Basics I and II, Kyoshi Blok builds onto the curriculum by providing more advanced pins from strikes. These pins include over eight variations of control pins, followed by several elbow locks.
Vol 4: Intermediate Aikido II: Continuing with the intermediate Aikido techniques, Kyoshi Blok introduces new breakfalls and throws from strikes. He will again include all directions, hitting elbow, front step-in, side step-in, and reverse hand throws, but will include more advanced variations not shown in the basic level videos.
Vol 5: Advanced Aikido I: Beginning with advanced body movement continuation drills, Kyoshi Blok prepares you for a deeper look into the Aikido art. New advanced breakfalls are introduced along with behind control and throwing techniques. Dropdown throwing, heaven and earth throw, and breath throws are also included to truly expand your knowledge of Aikido.
Kevin Blok has been a professional martial artist for over 40 years, having studied and taught in Japan, Hong Kong, Europe, and North America. He currently instructs and co-ordinates Aikido and defense and control classes for 25 schools throughout the US and Canada.